Big Data Expo 2024 opens in Guiyang|2024中国国际大数据工业饱览会在贵阳开幕

09-02 497阅读 0评论

Big Data Expo 2024 opens in Guiyang|2024中国国际大数据工业饱览会在贵阳开幕

The BigData Expo 2024 is held in Guiyang, Guizhou province, on Aug 28-30. [Photo/ddcpcwebsite]

TheChina International Big Data Industry Expo 2024 kicked off in Guiyang,Southwest China's Guizhou province, at 8:30 am on Aug 28. It will rununtil Aug 30.


Thisyear's expo is hosted by the National Data Administration for the firsttime, with the Guizhou Provincial People's Government as the organizer.With the tagline "smart digital technology shapes thriving digitaleconomy", this year's expo features professional exhibitionsaccompanied by achievement releases, industry exchanges and special activities.


As thefirst of its kind in the world, the Big Data Expo has been held annually since2015, and this year marks its 10th edition. The expo has always followed theconcept of "global vision, national level, industry perspectives andcorporate standpoints" and adhered to the philosophy that "datacreates more value, innovation brings a better future".


It aimsto accelerate the development of data industry clusters, promote the deepintegration of big data and industrial sectors, enhance technologicalinnovation capabilities, and support the high-quality development of thedigital economy.



SeniorEditor: PangBo

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